Welcome to my HDR gallery. Photos here are full resolution and encoded in 10 bit AVIF. They are best viewed on a desktop with HDR enabled.

Fredericksburg Photographer.
Fighting agoraphobia by putting myself out there with my camera in hand.

I originally took up photography around 15 years ago as a hobby. Due to severe depression and agoraphobia I never shared my edits back then; I thought no one would care. I'd occasionally post an unedited jpg on Facebook here and there just to try and be active, but I hid my real edits. Unfortunately depression got the better of me and I deleted years of my photo RAWs in a fit of frustration.

Fast forward to 2022. I decided to pick photography back up, but to this time dive into it head first. I forced myself to put myself out there and this time around share my work.

Photography is a passion of mine, it drives me to try and be a part of the community that I had previously only been in the shadows of. It isn't easy fighting anxiety, but my camera helps carry me forward.

I hope anyone that takes the time to view my photography enjoys it.
Thank you for viewing.

- Intangur Photography
Public Albums
Panning Photography