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Goheung-gun Sodoam South Jeolla Province South Korea
Sudoam, a Buddhist sub-temple, in the Unram Mountains was established in the mid of the Goryeo Dynasty in 1010 CE by Zen master Dohuiseonsa with the help of Monk Hwaju Injong and a master carpenter Ungmun. Zen master Yeungheoseonsa restored Sudoam and studied and practiced the Zen cult here at the time of King Gongmin in 1370.

The Sudoam Murujeon (hall) serves the statue of Nahanim. Muru is another name of Nahanim, which means 'One's virtue never falls into a bad situation once he or she attains the stage of self-discipline'.

The hall, facing west, has three sections and a Korean style gabled roof, as seen from the side.

Sudoam Murujeon is Cultural Property Material #156.