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Image Stacking for Landscape Photos: Use Layers to Tackle High Dynamic Range Images

For a landscape to be truly spectacular, you’ll want the sun in the frame so you can observe the interplay of lights and shadows. The issue is that this puts unrealistic demands on your camera’s sensor. A common solution is to take several images at different brightness levels. But how do you combine them? Auto HDR doesn’t always work. So for greater control over your results, there is a manual process you can use to ensure your results are exactly what you want.

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Edit Your Photos in ZPS X with the XP-PEN Graphics Drawing Tablet

For some photographers, a mouse and keyboard aren’t always enough for photo editing. Graphics tablets are a great alternative. We’ve teamed up with tablet manufacturer XP-Pen to bring you tips and tutorials for editing your photos using their graphics tablet on our YouTube channel. In this article, you’ll learn how to set up ZPS X on an XP-Pen and what kind of editing you can do with it. 

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